Catalogue critique Maxime Maufra

All the works


© Arturo Piera
Other titles and subjects : Coup d'orage à Quiberon - Temps d'orage Quiberon - QUIBERON - MORBIHAN
Height : 19.69 inch.
Width : 25.59 inch.
Signature :
Date of the work : 1903
Technic : Oil on canvas
Notes :
Catalogue Critique Number : 5


1903-12-24Durand-Ruel Paris, bought from Maufra
1942-11-11to M. Georges-Paul Wascat, France, sold by Durand-Ruel Paris
1985-06-12Sale Versailles : Blache (Floralies) - n° 55
1986-10-08Sale New York : Sotheby's - n° 124
1989-04-10Sale Paris Drouot- Montaigne Briest - n° 53
1993-02-23Sale New York : Sotheby's - n° 22
1993-02-23Mr. Perez Simon, Mexico, bought at the above sale
Collection Perez Simon, Mexico


1942 - Paris - October 20-N0vember 20Durand-Ruel Maxime Maufra 1861-1918n° 17


VELASQUEZ (Roxana) - TAJONAR (Hector) Ed.Coleccion Perez Simon, pintura, dibujo, siglos XVI-XXMexico : Juntos Actuando por la Superacion - Espagne : Fundacion JAPS 2008p. 249 - n° 185